
About Me

My name is Abigail Sage.  I am 22 years old.  Currently I am active duty military and have been serving in the Navy as a Sailor since 2017.  I have been married to my husband since June 22nd of 2020.  I currently spend most of my free time Irish Dancing and working on my online business.  See below for more information about me.

Irish Dance:  Dancing has been a part of my life since I started classes at four years old.  I am still absolutely obsessed!  I am at preliminary champion level and can't wait to make open champion. Even while in the Navy I found the time to join an Irish dance school for a little while living in California.  I plan on joining a school again in the next several months, this time with my mom!

Chess:  I have played chess since I was twelve years old and have participated in a few competitions.  With a lot of self study, my favorite chess instructor was and has remained Grand Master Igor Smirnov.

Graphic Design:  I love expressing my art and interests through graphic designing on Zazzle.  I have six active stores and am always making new designs and products.

Photography:  Recently I have been working on improving my photography skills.  I have a red and black Nikon camera.  I take photos of my adventures and have started an EyeEm page as a portfolio for recording my memories.

My Online Business:
I started my Stuff by Abby business in 2013.  It has looked different throughout the years but currently consists of Zazzle stores, an EyeEm page, my blog's Stuff by Abby and Love Always, and business Pinterest and Twitter pages.

I have two cats, Squishy and Hocus Pocus.

Favorite Ballerina:
Maria Khoreva.  She is just absolutely fabulous.  I am interested in the cross training for Irish dance with ballet.  I enjoy her workout videos.

Places I've Lived:
Pennsylvania, Colorado, Maryland, California, Japan (Sasebo and Okinawa) and Virginia

Favorite Movies:
Casino Royale, The Borne trilogy, Black Hawk Down, Iron Man I, The Black Stallion, Star Wars Episode I

Favorite Music:
I love all kinds of music, I really can't pick a favorite.  When I have favorite songs or playlists they get put on repeat... and remain on repeat.

Favorite Color:
Pink, because pink is for princesses.  It used to be blue.

Favorite Frozen Pizza:
California Pizza Kitchen thin crust white pizza.

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