
Beach Sunset Margarita Wedding Collection

When my husband and I were living in Japan, our favorite go-to restaurant was a small, four table, Tex Mex restaurant.  My drink order was always an original margarita and he would get one as well, usually in a strawberry flavor.  For a photo-op, which I found so cute, he would cross the straws of our margaritas.  

Japan was where we got engaged and the last time we were together before having to transition into a long distance relationship.  My husband, fiancĂ© at the time, would always send me screenshots of counters he had on his phone, counting down the days, hours and minutes until we would see each other next.  He always used our margarita pictures as the background for the countdowns.

This storyline of our relationship caused me to create the Beautiful Beach Sunset Margarita Love Wedding Collection.  Featured above is one of the inspired Save the Date invites.  Take a look below to find an additional Save the Date design, wedding invitation and a few other of my current favorite products from the line. 

Beautiful Beach Sunset Margarita Love Wedding Save The Date

Beautiful Beach Sunset Margarita Love Wedding Invitation

Beautiful Beach Sunset Margarita Love Couples Ceramic Ornament

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